Okay here I am finally back with some updates.. Like I said before the build has caught up to me so updates will be here and there..

If you like Blond Ales, check out Bomb Shell.. Is one of my fav and damn good..

Okay today we are finishing up a few things here and there. First is my tank for coolant, Just have to add AN fittings and we should be good to go.

This piece is really nicely built by Russell, It is going to go where my battery used to be.

Look at those welds, I just love his Fab work..

Like I said just have to add AN fittings and we are good to go.

Next is my PS cooler, finishing up the brackets for it so we can mount it up. Did not go with a heavy duty PS cooler due to the fact that The KRC PS pump works so well.

Next we have my new seat rails. I had to have some custom made cause the regular Bride brackets where to high causing my helmet to hit my roof.. So we made these as low as possible.

And got these nice little Side seat brackets from my good friend Stew.. Thanks:biggthumpup:

Russell himself mocking up the Bride seat…

Some more front end shots..

I can’t get enough of this front end.. I just can’t wait until its all painted up.. Might never put a bumper on while drifting….lol

ASD Hydro locked and ready to roll.. Just need to run lines now and it will be ready to go.

Russell welded a nice little base for it, so I can unbolt if I needed to

Started working on my splitter… TX style

Looking legit

I am going to make this black so it will be a nice contrast with the Matt White bumper

Russell just sent me this pic today… Going to look so clean when everything is all painted…

More pics


So there you guys have it for this week.  My car is hopefully coming home next week or the following week. I will take finish product pics and also give you guys totals of everything.


Edafe "Royal_T"
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