Finding my spot enjoying the calm and getting lost in the moment. MaryJane meeting of the minds. More goods come soon! And if you didn’t know… Bingo the cat thinks champagne is ALWAYS the answer. Touché Bingo. Touché. Peekaboo from Mugsyboo.

Finding my spot enjoying the calm and getting lost in the moment. MaryJane meeting of the minds. More goods come soon! And if you didn’t know… Bingo the cat thinks champagne is ALWAYS the answer. Touché Bingo. Touché. Peekaboo from Mugsyboo.
40 days later and we say our final goodbyes, in the best way possible. Celebrating what it means to be family. Birthdays… and bandmates. She’s on cloud 19. #FOE In other news, this is how I spent the long weekend. #NotMyPresidentsDay Checking off the #classicSF list. #MissEducation #Skool @InspectorGadje f. #Sandman | @TheDynamicMiss #FayeCarol |…
On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you When that’s not possible Tell me can you weather the storm? These Bay Area rains are relentless! Dam you rain (literally). But rain or shine I’m with you all the way. #CanYouStandTheRain We’re lost in love. Happy Love Day from us to you!…
Some random shots from all the happenings this week. #Backtoourregularlyscheduledprogram It was a rainy day and though at first I was hesitant about attending this workshop, I am SO GLAD I did. Along with other artists, designers, activists, neighborhood folks and architects from around the Bay, we participated in a creative discussion on what we…
Super late and super apologize for the lateness but it’s been a rough few months for me and my nearest and dearest. More on that later… But here’s a quickie on all the little things I did over the holidays and since my last post. Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture @…
Nothing beats being home for the holidays. Below are just a few things on my to-do list while on #Baystaycay. I plan on hitting Union Square sometime during the holiday season. #BayAreatraditions Here’s a link for spots to eat at while in the area: The 9 Best Places to Eat Around Union Square (That Aren’t…
Our bellies are full, bdays are happy reunions, and Santacons are coming to town. #silverlinings Belly Bday love in the Town. #Somar #TownLove #HealOakland
As the year comes to an end, I find myself taking mental note of goals reached and not, of time spent with those worth it and not, of happy moments and not. And with just a few weeks left to what has been a roller coaster of 2016, a reminder that it’s never too late…