So here it is.. Hellaflush Japan Video. Thanks for Phillip from iPhilms and everyone who made it out to the event to make this video spectacular. Make sure to check out all our Hellaflush events (Osaka, Tokyo, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, & the US) as we’ll be coming back strong in 2012 with a new dedicated site just for Hellaflush.

Also, a reminder… We’ll be having our first ever BOOTH at Tokyo Autosalon this coming January. Please come and check it out and see what we have to offer. More to come on TAS2012 soon!

HellaFlush Japan from iPhilms on Vimeo.

Mark Arcenal

Creative Director at Arcenal
Lived the Agency life for over a decade and then moved to client side and helped in launching the biggest brand Nike has to date, Nike Sportswear as the Global Digital Lead.

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