Last Wednesday was my birthday, thank YOU all for the birthday wishes, calls, messages and greetings in person if I saw you…

Hit sushi at home with wifey, son and my friend Nic…
Escolar is our new favorite fish, it sits on top of spicy yellowtail with a sweetened jalapeno, yum!
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Nic laced me with a sweet bottle of Peligroso Anejo tequila..
Birthday pics Oct 2011 002

Then Friday night had a banging concept party, beer & wine tasting party, was a blasty blast!!!!!!

Usually I take a gang of pictures but ya know what I didn’t because I just wanted to enjoy it, sometimes it’s just about the experience and the memories!

Packed DeAnda Dojo!
Birthday pics Oct 2011 004

Thanks again to everybody this years birthday was a blast!
It was just 33 so it’s not THAT special, go ahead & listen to one of my favorite comedians Patton Oswalt’s piece on only 20 Birthdays allowed!!!!!!!