My Canon S95 is my trusty camera as of recent…
It’s not HUGE but not small so I wanted a case that I could keep it in versus the bulge in my pocket…

Parabellum had what I was lookng for, stylish, simple, durable, etc…
I own and wear EVERY DAY a Parabellum belt SEEN HERE

The Parabellum Instrument case is the weapon of choice…
Check it out…
Formula Drift Long beach 2011 Club 33 Conan MoCA and more 028

Packaging/presentation is on point…
Formula Drift Long beach 2011 Club 33 Conan MoCA and more 029

Formula Drift Long beach 2011 Club 33 Conan MoCA and more 030
Formula Drift Long beach 2011 Club 33 Conan MoCA and more 032

Clip or loops…
Formula Drift Long beach 2011 Club 33 Conan MoCA and more 033
