That’s right y’all, we’re ending 2010 and starting 2011 with more events geared towards the driver, beginner thru advanced. Our first event will kick off November 20th in Santa Clara, Ca. We’re real excited about the events as we’ve reserved to host 1 a month for the next 6 months. We’re calling the sessions Word Up!

Update! Tentative layout of the first course on 11.20.2010 below. Keep checking back for more updates for this event. This event is open to all 2WD and 4WD. First come, First Serve. Once registration is full, it’s full.

Each session consist of 30 drivers, 2 instructors (if need be), and 3 courses. If you’re interested in driving at one of these events, please fill out a registration form and pay the amount requested here.

Registration is now open!
Register Here!

Here is the Tentative Course layout for 11.20.2010. HUGE STREET COURSE, Lots of turns, inspired by the South Course of Ebisu’s Circuit. We expect this course to be 2nd gear, possibly 3rd depending on power. This setup isn’t for HIGH SPEED, it’s setup to improve car control, test your skill, and further develop your driving ability. We plan to use this course setup for the first 2 sessions and then change it up for the 3rd and 4th session and flip it again for the 5th and 6th session. Again, this is tentative but as you can see, there’s alot of space to have alot of fun.

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