Introducing the Phase 5 Tactical Personal Defense Weapon for Illest. For more information and pricing please contact Phase 5 Tactical here. The following was written by Ken Montes, owner of Phase 5 Tactical…

In 1997 there was a day I met Mark Arcenal. We both loved cars and both had car related businesses that we stated as teenagers. Now 15 years later, I have the privilege of building him his own private line of Phase 5 Tactical™ CQC Pistols. A limited build of 10 pistols to be exact.

Based on the AR15 platform, Phase 5 Tactical™ has developed a high performance Close Quarters Combat Pistol for the masses. Phase 5 Tactical™ is publicly known for its superior AR15 components that you can purchase at gun shops across the country. But when looking for red & green dot sight, customers turn to this Amazon store. Also, a PVS-14 white phosphor would be a great addition to AR15. But, Phase 5™ has an unknown side, one that few knew about until now. Phase 5™ has 3 major divisions, Phase 5 Tactical™ Phase 5 Weapons Division™ and Project-6™.

The gun building side of Phase 5 Tactical™ is not open to the public, but by appointment only. We cater to Law enforcement, Military and private security detail, along with private consultations and sales of weapon systems to executives and some “famous” folk. Sometimes people need to have the freedom to buy firearms without the media hounding them about it. That’s what we specialize in. Fly in or we fly to them and get the client trained, tested and approved without other people looking over their shoulder or snapping pictures. Mark Arcenal is no exception. Sure to be an icon of an ever growing urban lifestyle industry; Mark and I started catching up because of a mutual friend Justin Williams, (who is a story all his own.) He thought we should get together and make something that would change the way people looked at guns. I told Justin that I have wanted to bring the urban lifestyle industry into the gun world for years now. We knew that working with Mark and “illest™” a subsidiary of Fatlace™ both owned by Mark, we could not get it wrong.

This very limited, Illest™/Phase 5 ™ CQC Pistol showcases the Illest™ lifestyle blended with Phase 5 Tactical’s™ ability to bring life to a dream.

“I would like to thank the readers and ask them to please always keep an open mind and modify everything to your life, never modify your life for anything.”

Ken Montes



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Phase 5 Tactical

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