For the past 15 years and since the birth of, I’ve worked on personal and not so personal project cars. 2015 wont be any different. We’ll be teaming up with some of the best companies that specialize in making top shelf products. Voomeran, Work Wheels, KW and Falken are some of the companies that will be helping us modify the 3 different Volkswagen projects that are lined up. A MK2 2 door Jetta, MK6 Golf and MK7 Golf GTI.

I’ve been into Volkswagens way before I started driving. At 14, I started going to VW Shows all around the Bay and as far as Sacramento for the drag races. Before picking up this Mark 7 GTI, I’ve owned 3 Bugs, 2 Split Window Bus’s, 3 GTIs, a Eurovan and a Vanagon and fixed them up my style with influences from builds in the past. I’ll be posting updates for these builds as soon as we get parts in. If you have any comments, please feel free to leave a reply below.


Mark Arcenal
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