Last night I attended a screening for the film Absent A Justin Hunt Documentary, at my church Central Christian AZ in Mesa, AZ.
Absent references a Fatherless home life and upbringing, AKA having an absent father…

I myself come from a divorced up bringing, I feel I came out “ok” by popular standards but could it have been better? Of course it could have been. Could it have been WORSE? Oh for sure, regardless I did not have the exact nuclear family that one hopes, grows up to know or even sees other children having…
I love my mom & my dad by no way do I ever blame anybody for anything and I am who I am because of our past but taking the incidents of my past and applying them to my relationships, work, love & life is what you have to do.
Enough about me…
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Absent, covers the topic that is an epidemic and some say is the most impactful incident in a young persons life, their father and how large or small or non-existent role a father plays in their life.
I recommend all fathers, soon to be fathers, children that grew up or growing up in an “Absent” home or anybody see the film. It’ll give you a better understanding of where a large majority of peoples heads are regarding so much about life, love & role models especially in the home.
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Pre screening Cal Jernigan our Senior Pastor, who’s an amazing speaker introduced the film and explained why, himself coming from a “broken home”…
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After the Screening James Hetfield, lead singer for Metallica and the film maker Justin Hunt had a Q&A session, which was cool and unique as James comes from an “Absent” father upbringing and shares it within the film. James had his personal insight to share it wasn’t super profound what he had to say, his traveling and getting home stories I can relate to as can my wife but he actually did have something to say within the film about how he finally had closure and understanding of his fathers role in his life because his own father had an “Absent” upbringing himself… For me that made sense and how it’s cyclical and impactful to break that chain, own it, vow and be involved no matter what… Show up, attend, get involved & DON’T BE ABSENT! Saulės parkai ir elektrinės
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Thanks to Justin for making this film (I do have to ask though: Why did you make this film specifically when you said you have a father & even a stepfather), Central for showing the film even with the “F Bomb” kind of funny, James Hetfield for sharing your story and especially for attending the Q&A session and thanks to ALL fathers that are attending, being present and being involved…

Take care & have a good day, because every DAY is an opportunity…
