October, Halloween and my birthday month is OVER and only 2 more months left of 2010, unbelievable huh?!?!

October 2010 has been a month to be remembered or Blogged in this case, thanks to everybody that took part, you’re all AWESOME!

So here’s some happenings leading up to and Halloween good times!

Parker was a TMNT when he went to school but would be somebody else on “Game Day” aka Halloween night…

Good food at a banging spot with my boy Marc, The Deli in Queen Creek has slamming sandwiches, this is pastrami…

AZ Sunsets rival all other sunsets in the world!

Four Peaks Pumpkin Porter oh man, soooo good…
Good thing it’s seasonal or I’d be here mroe often! Peep Four Peaks new website pretty rad by the Blind Society fellas

More beer happenings, my boy Ryan and I brewed some beer…

Fall Festival with my son, my boy Ryan and his twin girls…

The kids loved the rides…

Saturday night was adult Halloween party with our friends Amanda & Ryan or Betty RUMBLE and Alan from The Hangover…
Fred & Betty Rubble were out on the town without Wilma and Basrney, shhhh don’t tell em….

Sunday evening/Halloween night we had a driveway BBQ and chill out with our friends…
That’s right Betty & Wilma, cook those Brotosaurus Burgers, haha

PJ as the rootinest, tootinest lil cowboy this side of anywhere…

Tigger and Pooh were darn cute too…

Here’s our Bedrock crew, My actual wife is Betty, for all intensive purposes we played to our strengths and who we looked like, so we, yes, swapped spouses for costume sake… haha

Great Halloween, until next year… Next stop Vegas….
