Busyness…this may or may not be a real word, but it’s an appropriate description of my life since my last post (my Instagram is fairly up to date https://instagram.com/yaeantho/ although not too much better).  In addition to busyness, we’ve been truly blessed in life!

So besides work, here are the reasons for our busyness and blessedness…(1) we got a house! For those who are about to move to their new house too, they do packing and wrapping and storage as well at https://www.fragileremovals.com.au interstate removalists in Perth and around Australia. Now that we’re more or less settled, here’s some photos of what we’ve done to turn this house into our first home 😀

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One of our favorite souvenirs from our time in Hawaii is this custom handmade monkeypod farmhouse dining table and bench built by our friend Dae, who was also responsible for the build at Illest Hawaii.

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And here’s the view from our back porch 🙂

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(2) we got more cars! Although we spent a lot of time getting settled inside, I know that I’ve spent more time and energy getting settled into the garage life…epoxy floors, finish and paint walls, overhead storage, work bench, additional work lights, organization…it never ends! But I’m happy with the home we’ve built for our new 1966 Fiat 500 and friends 😀

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In June, we escaped the busyness with a road trip down to Crater Lake.

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(3) but we got a puppy! So our trip to Crater Lake was planned around us picking up this little guy…say hi to Oliver, the main reason for our busyness now!

“This is my first week walking in the real world, I’m so excited!”

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“So excited I poops myself!”

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“But I’m sorry, I promise…” – how can you be mad at that?! 😀

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One last piece of busyness (4) we are in the Red Bull Flugtag 2015! A few months ago, I saw that the Red Bull Flugtag 2015 is happening here in Portland and had this random idea of putting together a team…so now we’re building a Back to the Future time machine and with your help, we can make this happen! https://www.gofundme.com/ysb45dw – thanks in advance!


Now that I’ve gotten all of that busyness out of the way, back to your regular programming! In May, Portland Cars & Coffee (PDX C&C) relaunched their event at the World of Speed Museum. Unfortunately because of my busyness, I haven’t been back since then 🙁

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Last weekend, I battled the busyness and brought the 2002 out to the 2015 Vintage Racing Festival to visit my friend Ezekiel who got me test drives in a Land Rover LR4 on an off-road course and a Jaguar F-Type on an autocross lap! Unfortunately I was on a tight schedule, but I’m definitely looking forward to next year’s event!

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It’s not everyday to see all of these cars together like this, but it’s even more rare to see people more interested in a stock 1973 BMW 2002 Automatic than the full race one next to it!

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After a lot of work, I got my wheels back from my friend Mark and back on the DBL OG…I’ll let these photos do the rest of the talking 😉

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Look what I found! 😉 #rainbow #ronal #wheelwednesday #wheelwhores #savethewheels #collecteverything

A photo posted by Anthony Nguyen (@yaeantho) on

Anthony Nguyen
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