Available in size SM/MD/LG/XL/XXL come give us a visit! 316 e 2nd Street Little Tokyo | LA Closed Mondays 213 626 ILST
Available in size SM/MD/LG/XL/XXL come give us a visit! 316 e 2nd Street Little Tokyo | LA Closed Mondays 213 626 ILST
Thanks to the fellas for cutting thru the store and showing me some of their work. Gunna be real cool to see where these guys go in the future and always good to see some real hiphop marinating in the Bay. If you haven’t heard of the The Jealous Guys yet, peep game. Filmed by…
John Ando of yoyofactory and team bombsquadsf is also in town from Japan! Stopping by the shop and shopping with Paul Han and Ann Connolly he put on a little demo. If you want to see more of him live come out to Cal-state yoyo contest being held this Saturday in Sacramento. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/20635063[/vimeo]
Aside from the Paddock, where we do most of our day to day business, our first office location which was just 7 blocks away will be once again used for our design studio where we can concentrate on new projects and products. Speaking of new, we have 2 job openings at fatlace and the paddock.…
Come give us a visit! Plates, Stickers & Lanyards instock Illest Boutique 316 E. 2nd street Little tokyo|LA
We just received a restock of beanies, belts, and black lanyards. Swung by the shop today to keep your head warm in this nasty cold weather!
Ann Connolly from YoYoFactory is in town and stopped by the shop! Showing off her skills while she shopped i put together a little video of her yoyoing. Don’t forget we are a authorized YoYoFactory dealer and we do have yoyos in stock! [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/20542506[/vimeo]
This week’s Fatlace Social Club winner is by AoiEiSanNi. Quite the Dunny collection there, nice touch with the flying tiger/ninja there. Next week’s theme: Your workplace. Could be a shop, a cubicle, or even your bed, I don’t know. Where do you spend most of your days?