X12Aq21`Warner Brothers Costume house is where I went to pull hats for the Sprouse Brothers “Got Milk” ad I recently styled. It is quite an experience to pull on to the famous studio lot and browse through the nostalgic costume house. Designers and Costumers are constantly coming in and out pulling very interesting items for their production. I have no idea what the large green monster hands are for.
Porky Pig and Bug Bunny points the way!!
You must not be afraid of heights as the costumes are stacked way high, row after row.
I picked out these bowler hats as they mimicked the Marx brothers concept we were “shooting” for. Each piece needs to be cheek out by an official costume union member.
Cole and Dylan in the hats at the Got Milk shoot.
Another designer just in the thick of it all – looking for the right item. It’s not always easy.
Rob or a beaver in a Supreme hat?
I love the head piece cage. You never know what movie these were created for, but it is fun guessing the history.
Rob lives out his warrior fantasy in a medieval burgonet.
Darn! My horns are showing!
Starring my friend Colin Farrell and designed by my friend and Oscar winner – Jenny Beaven.
Now Being a stylist is great, but this is the dress up I like to play!!!!
- GRATEFUL DEAD Street-Art - 09/07/2015
- Jeff Koons @ the Whitney – warning explicit material - 20/11/2014