Blessup Family | Hope life is treating you well on your part of the world. Life just got better on our end because we have had the opportunity to converse and talk to Kuya John Francisco of TDK + while visiting he truly surprised us with some gear that he and the crew offer whenever they vend at Hip Hop / Art Events. It’s always a blessing to receive gifts, but such an honour coming from legends. So next time you see the TDK Crew at a show, please support them by copping a few items. 2011 is slated to be a great year for them as their Mike [DREAM] Francisco book: ADVANCED VANDALISM  is set to release around the Spring-time. Curated by the TDK + TMC Family + Authored By Chris Brennan, this is definitely one that will be a necessity to add to your book shelf. Bay Area Hip Hop History will be at your fingertips, please support The Culture. The 411: UNAESTHETIC

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