Im not going to write much about this blog. I have so many pictures I’m just going to leave litlle captions. The trip was so unbelievable. Such a great group went and everybody was on the same page the whole time. Everybody had a blast. I’d like to thank Karl O’sullivan, Ryan, Jim, and the rest of the Formula D staff for making this happen. I’d all so like to thank Gary, Mike, and Scott @Gardellaracing for getting us over their and having a great car to drive and all of the other teams and drivers for making the trip what is was. A special thanks to Yas Marina for having us. My favorite track ever so far. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Flight out was 12 hours. I slept most of the way. When I woke up we were pretty much there.

Moose in the Smoker section. I have never seen one these before. Smells terrible

Made it. Checking another country off the list.

Waiting for Pickup

This bathroom setup would have been alot better with a lady friend. They had a separate sink? next to the toilet. I think it was for washing hair? I’m not really sure.

We dropped our bags and went out to explore. The track wasn’t far so we headed towards it. Some of the guys were running on the track for a photo shoot. I was jealous as hell. haha. I wanted to put my suit on and hit it but they were already finished up by the time we got to the F1 pits.

F1 Pits!!!! So rad.

Finish line/Start straight

The first couple days we were all pitted in the F1 pits. Then we moved to the other side of the track closer to where we would be competing.

Tire Tree

This is a model of the track and the section we would be running.

Part of the track ran underneath this building. Awesome!

Thumbs up

Jose doing his thing.

Finally got to check out the part of the track we were going to be running on. Pictures absolutely do not do this place any justice.

Probably the best track we have ever competed on. It was Long, Fast, had Elevation changes, The outside clip was super long and Technical.

They had us all go Karting one afternoon. It was a blast. Best Karting track I have ever been on. Lots of turns.

Energy drink battle

That night Chris, Tanner, Tony and I all went downtown Abu Dhabi to grab some food and check out the city a little. We went to a mall and they had this booth setup right at the main entrance. Pretty Awesome. Had no idea how well they were promoting the event.

On the way back we went over this really cool looking bridge. I got my camera out a little late. :/

The next morning we tried to go drive some golfballs but we didnt have the proper attire.

At Noon they shuttled all of us to Ferrari World. Place was amazing and had the Fastest coaster in the World!!!! 0-150MPH in under 5 seconds.

I forget the name of this ride but it was just a warm up to “Formula Rossa”

They had a mockup Formula 1 pit.

The wait was over time for “Formula Rossa”

Right before we got on the ride it BROKE! Took about an hour to fix so we hung out and made some bets wether we would make it back alive or not.

I got the front seat my first time out with MadMike.

This roller coaster was the most intense and scary ride I have ever been on. After it was over you could see so much relief in our faces that we were still alive. So we all went another three times.

Forsberg’s hair after riding in the front.


We went to the souvenir shop and they had Drift Alliance “Bad as Hell” we were beside ourselves.

It was time to leave. Casidi taking attendance. Can’t be leaving anybody behind.

After Ferrari World we headed to the track to move cars to the other pit and get things ready for our first practice session.

First time on the track. Woooohoooo cruising down the front straight.

Scott getting things set up in the new pit.

This would be my first time driving on the Nitto NTO5’s. I was pumped.

Gushi and Casidi hangin out.

Gushi was driving the RSR supra. He said it was first time driving RHD, Crazy!!! He was killing it. I think this used to be Orido’s D1 Supra. It was really nice.

Driver’s meeting before we hit the track.

We all signed a bunch of poster’s and it was Track Time.

So as usual. I barely have any pictures of being on the actual track. Check out the Gardella racing Facebook page for alot of action shots.

Mad Mike Killing it!!!

The track was so much fun. My favorite of all time for competition anyway. After practice we all went back to the hotel to eat and get some rest. Next day was game time. More practice then a break to let the stands fill up and it was Qualifying time. I had a Killer Qualifying lap. I was loving the New Nitto NTO5’s. I was laying down a ton of smoke and the tires didn’t leave me hanging in the tight corners. I qualified 1st. I was pumped. Aasbo qualified 8th. Since it was only a top 8 comp. Me and Aasbo were paired to go at it. We both had pretty good laps and IMHO should have been a OMT. So I was pretty disappointed that I went out in the first round but after everyone finished up I got to do some 3 and 5 car tandem. It somewhat  made up for the crappy finish. Congrats to Aasbo who finished first. It was an awesome event and everybody was driving insane. If this keeps up FD is going to be absolutely nuts this year. We finished the event at midnight got our stuff sorted out and headed back to the hotels to get cleaned up and go out for festivities.

Pretty much everybody came out and we all had a blast. View from the Bar/club

The next day we all had a free time to do whatever we wanted so most of us went to go check out Dubai. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are only about an hour from eachother. Was about a $60 dollar cab ride. Most of the drive inbetween looked like this.

J-rod, Chris, Tony, Tanner, Josh Herron, Moke Groh and I all stayed at a friends penthouse on the 47th floor of one of the big buildings in Dubai. This was most of his view.

24-7 365 days a year they are doing construction in this city. It’s kind of ridiculous.

This is the best photo I shot while I was There. Forsberg in aw over the view. Love this pic. Looks so fake.

We checked out the view for a second and then our buddy Loren took us to the middle of nowhere in the desert to go ride some quads in the sand dunes.

We all rented a bunch of 4-wheelers a Rhino and hit the sand. They had some animals hanging out at this place. The weirdest thing was this Ginormous Hawk just hanging out in the open with a big wire around its leg as a leash. You could just walk up to this thing and pet it if you wanted. This bird was HUGE!

First thing I did was ride to the highest peak and take some pics.

ENDLESSSSSSSSS!!!! I was wishing I was on a dirtbike with a paddle tire so bad but 4wheelers were a blast anyway.

J-rod getting wild in the Rhino.

On the way back to Dubai. This is part of the skyline. The big needle looking building is the tallest building in the world.

That wraps it up. Some people flew home that night and the rest of us  from the East coast flew home the next morning. Hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I loved living them. Great experiences great friends made this the best trip I have ever been on. Really hope to go back and explore new parts of this amazing picturesque city in the middle of the desert.

For more pics check out my Facebook page.

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Check out this amazing old car crash compilation Video. Those dudes back then “WOW” Crazy!!!!  The song is all so what I have been listening to lately. So good!


Fatlace Crew