This past weekened we had our grand opening of Illest in Orange County.Thank you to everyone who came out and supported. All the crews & folks that came by to gram some opening specials. Hope to see some of you at the special release this Saturday. Special special thanks goes out to the Illest crew who made this opening happen on time and without fault. Onto the photos…

Incredible to see the brand grow from when I first left corporate world to chase the dream. 2009 was the year and I had moved back from living in Oregon while working at Nike. Times have changed in just 4 years and its humbling to see this kind of stuff. Respect.

What’s everyone looking at? Well there were tons of cars & a few crews that came thru.

The wait and line lasted a little over 5 hours. Thank you again for your patience.

We had a visitor in the showroom. This IS with Works looks awesome in person. We’ll be switching cars up in the showroom every 2 weeks. Cruise by weekly to see who we’ll have on display.

The new Work CR Kai Kiwami with the ultra deep spokes look awesome.

Royal Origin came out in full swing.

Mikey came out  with his XB. Was hoping to see the DC2 but I think we’ll see it at Wekfest.

Damn that Subaru is low…

Hold up at the register. Still working out the kinks but it should be cool.



The only way to predict the future is to invent it. Words to live by…

Manila and then Hawaii..

Til next time….

Mark Arcenal
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