We’ll be finally releasing our 2nd run of iPhone cases which fit perfectly for the iPhone 4. In collaboration with our good friends at Uncommon, here are our latest iPhone 4 cases with specific release dates for all. You’ll be able to preorder them starting 10.08.2010 while the first case release this Friday.
The Chocolate and Minty cases are only available at our San Francisco location in Japantown and also available online at our Emporium. Limited to 50 Cases of each design. $40 preorder / $45 retail.
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dope ! do you guys still have some of the 3g cases ? i still want one
ChrisN have a REALLY GOOD question i want on too !!!!
What’s it made out of? Hard/soft plastic? Soft silicone? Can you post more pics of the front and sides? Thx
are these the same as the Deflector Cases?
yes, the deflector case
how about some love for the blackberry users? i just jumped from iphone to bb torch!
Will the SS case availabke for us 3GS user? I really want one!
I want em all, but if I had to decide it would be Stay Fresh… no, wait, fatlace… never mind, I can’t decide
Time to upgrade to the iPhone 4…LOL
Can’t ya guys make a Blackberry 9700 Skin =P (H)
Cant Wait. Gunna Order up 3 Of them !!
SICK! makes me want an iphone 4 that much more but what about team blackberry
can not wait ! i think i may order the chocolate and minty
sure i will be one of not so many with one of these in the Uk HOPEFULLY
love the graphic designs but the actual case design is ugly – should of been incase sliders
iPad cases please !!
How much are these gonna run? $35?
does the case cover the top and bottom part of the iphone or is it left open.
I’m gonna assume that like drift sumi-e, this will never be available for Droid. If only I didn’t need the phone part of the iPhone, I’d get one. dadgummet.
Seriously. We need some Droid love here!