We’re just days away from 3 events. Hellaflush Miami, Hellaflush BBQtheBAY, and the redesigned website launch. Yeah, we know it hasnt been the same since we took down the old site but once the new site launches, itll be 10x fresh! So again, please be patient as we code away in the back room, making the new site well worth the wait.

For Miami Hellaflush 6 Info, please check this link for the latest and check your emails for all your confirmations.

Details for BBQtheBay Hellaflush6 West Coast Meat at Coyote Point.
1. Please Arrive Early. We’ll be there at 8am to reserve a BBQ Spot since its drop in only but please try to come early since this place is open to the public. We wont be setting cars up but BACK YOUR CAR INTO YOUR SPOT.

2. Anyone that has registered to the event gets a HELLAFLUSH 6 STICKER FREE. Driver only. So if you registered your car, we’ll check you off and hand you a sticker. This also goes for Miami. If you haven’t registered your car, please register it today. Its only so we know who’s going and how many cars to expect. So far as of today, July 26th, there are less than 100 registered.

3. For map information and to register to the BBQ, click here. You wont get lost and you’ll be happy to know its pretty much speed bump free.

4. BRING YOUR RUCKUS! Motochamp Magazine from Japan will be shooting for the next issue!!


Mark Arcenal
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