Good luck to my friend Tyler McQuarrie who is competing in the RedBull Driftshifters Event tonight in New Zealand. Check out his driver profile on the Red Bull site where you can also find the LiveFeed if your interested in catching it in real time! I guess you can say I’m a bit biased considering that Camaro was built back here in NJ at County Line Auto Body, home of the Gardella Racing headquarters! Never thought we would watch it perform all the way out on the other side of the world!
Also a big shout to a couple of other great people that I have had the opportunity to get to know, Jake Jones from Australia, and Mad Mike from New Zealand who is the mastermind behind this Driftshifters Event (live feed here) which is being held in his hometown of Auckland City, New Zealand! It’s shaping up to be a great event and the field of competitors are some of the greatest drivers that professional drifting has to offer!
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