Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

PNW Classics and GTR Garage

Last weekend, I met up with a few friends from the newly formed PNW Classics group which is growing chapters in Portland up to Seattle. Stay tuned for our first interstate event! We all cruised down the road to check out the grand opening of the GTR Garage. Check them out for all your JDM…

Wekfest Hawaii 2015

After recovering from the post processing blackhole that was Tokyo Auto Salon 2015 (, I managed to do a quick cruise by Wekfest Hawaii 2015! Year after year the Aloha State shows off their true Elites, and this year is no different! This Revision Audio creation came to the show pretty much straight from the…

Aloha Tokyo

Last weekend, I gave into peer pressure (thanks Mark, Anton, Brian, and Dat!) and hopped on a last minute flight to Tokyo. While I finish post processing my photos from Tokyo Auto Salon, here’s some photos from the rest of our adventures. Fresh from the airport, we went straight to the RWB Car Meeting at…

Stephen Brooks Films

We live in an age where drifting edits are a dime a dozen, so it isn’t easy to stand out in the crowd among your peers, but there are a few people who remain on the forefront of shooting in a way that others can’t seem to capture. One person who appears to be in…

Oktoberfest in Hawaii

Last month after I got my 1973 BMW 2002 back from an engine rebuild and paint refresh, I took it right out to the 3rd Annual Oktoberfest 2014 hosted by Mercedes-Benz Club of America Hawaii Chapter – mahalo for another great show!