I’ve been collecting toys for quite some time now and now that we’ve got a fairly sized warehouse, you’ll see that the toys have been scattered throughout. But what you’ll find in my office is some of my more treasured toys.

Decided to shoot this in fisheye cause both Yogi and Antonio decided to dump their fisheye lens’s. I’m bringing it back, one shot at a time. For the month of July, everything will be fisheye! haha.

In this photo.. Barry McGee, Amos, Ferrari Lego, Hakosuka Kyosho MiniZ, a RED cad camera and a Fatlace X Alpinestars Boot.

In this Photo..
Kaw’s Bears, Baby Milo Dissected, Storm Trooper Head, Nike Bearbrick, Hundreds Lau Toy, Three Zero Gun, Obey Toy and a little toy brooklyn made from Burger King.

In this photo..
Kaws companion, Devo Painting, Rat Fink Key Holder, Gan Well Pro, Michael Jordan Signed against Craig Ehlo, Porsche Cup Car by HPI.

Mark Arcenal
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