The other day I was having an interesting discussion about today’s car shows and the standards the community has set. Gone are the days where anyone could enter just because they showed interest. In its place are rules and an understanding that competitors really have to bring their best foot forward which this culture demands. And why not? Events celebrate hard work and effort, but more importantly, it celebrates style! Unfortunately, some personally take this the wrong way and become upset if their car didn’t make the cut. In Japan, however, this doesn’t seem to happen. In fact, Japanese competitors and spectators, rally together to support and participate as a unified community. When I discussed this with Ryo Kaneta, USDM Freax magazine, he was eager to point out Wekfest Japan was a perfect example. What you’ll see in the following photos is a great event! A great event supported by an even greater community of like-minded individuals. We need more of that in North America. We have the events, but maybe we should take a cue from our neighbors in the land of the rising sun on unified culture? Anyhow, I’ll get off my soapbox and let Fatlace readers enjoy these photos graciously provided by Ryo!

This was Wekfest’s first International Japanese event held in Nagoya, Japan. Celebrating only the cream of the crop of the approved competitors.

This is what it’s all about. The quality, the steez, the effort, but most importantly, the positive community. I haven’t had the opportunity to visit the Slammed Society/Offset Kings Japan events, but I’m sure they are no different.

Ice Cream, anyone?

A collective and supporting car community!

The Ruck and Moto game was on point with bikes on display from famed tuner – Tokyo Parts.

The beautiful Elissa Alva was on deck to sign copies of USDM Freax magazine.

Hope you enjoyed this photo-intensive coverage of Wekfest Japan. Special thanks to our friend Ryo Kaneta for donating the photos so we could run this feature!






David Soo
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