We just received the new Nike Hachi ND QS! The Nike Hachi will soon take over the position of the Nike Toki Mid as the go-to lifestyle silhouette fit for any unique style of sneaker choices. It’s got a classic vulc-sole, but with minute details that add a spicy flair to an otherwise simple looking shoe, and the suede uppers are matched with a nylon material at the swoosh panel for a nice touchy-feely contrast. The lace-placket edge also features a jagged finish, with singular perforations lining going around the toe. The upper lace eyelets also have a hiking-boot D-ring construction, but the Hachi is without a doubt better suited for a casual night out than a rugged terrain. These are one of two that are releasing here at the San Francisco location.

Fatlace Japantown
1630 Post Street x Laguna
San Francisco, Ca. 94115

Hours: 12-7 Tuesday – Sunday / Closed Monday
Phone: 415.409.3281

Fatlace Crew