Here’s a photo of one of the entries for Hellaflush Kansai next month at Central Circuit in Japan’s Kansai region. If you’re in the area and want to see some of the coolest cars in Japan, grab a flight and head on down. Click here for more information!
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ARGHHHH can’t get enough of this thing. Especially the engine bay!! Nice
Wallpaper please?!
is that a swastika on the rear? combined with an eagle above, i honestly think you should remove it asap. there’s no excuse using signs like that “just for fun”. that’s just soooo wrong. looks nice in that bomber style, but remove the nazi shit.
please read into what the swastica is about. // The swastika is also a Chinese character used in East Asia representing eternity and Buddhism
i sure know what a swastica is by it’s traditional meanings before a jackass thought he could rule the world with his shit. but you’re using nazi signs for sure. i am german, i know our f**cking history and for sure i know what hitler put on his tanks, flags and uniforms – what you’re using is clearly not the swastica in the traditional way. you’re not fooling me with arguing it’s other meanings. i love your car for sure and i have huge respect for what you’ve done in the last years, but why do you have to add these signs? you are for sure not representing eternity and buddhism in the right way
your military theme is doing the rest.
still thinking you’re doing it right and i’m completely wrong?,r:2,s:0,i:76&tx=35&ty=72
don’t get me wrong, you can whatever you like to do, but think about a bit. as a german i know there are reasons why these signs are not allowed in germany for example. you don’t need to spread the shit by placing signs like that on your car. just my two cents.
If you look at any navigation in Japan, you see this sign throughout the map. It’s used as a sign to mark where there’s Buddhist temples. I think If you’re from Japan you wouldnt think otherwise since it’s what you’ve been seeing all your life.
ok, so you’ re representing buddhism with that car? this is getting funny.
do whatever you want marc. you’re just wrong with your arguing. take a look at a traditional swastica -and then look at the one you placed, in addtion to a messerschmidt lettering on the side of your car + military theme + eagle above = whether navigation nor buddhism. just THINK a bit about it. PLEASE! i’m feeling like a complete ?!”§$§”$ that i’ve to argue on that point. facepalm. And i don’t need to know the japanese navigation through temples, i’m sure it has nothing to do with military, messerschmidt and for sure there’s no eagle above – which was btw showing what nazi group you belong to – there are versions of the eagle looking to the left or right.
and btw i think everybody in japan who had some school lessons in history will know that you’re not trying to navigate to a temple if you know what i mean
as i do know what a tradiotional swastica looks like and what a nazi sign looks like.
anyway marc – i’m out of this.
i’m feeling sad i’ve to argue on this since it’s so f**king obvious.
first of all, its not my car. its’ some dudes in japan. he put it on for his own reasons. its sad that you’re not open to what he believes in. come to japan, look at the navi and see that they’re scattered all over the map. actually maybe not.. cause you prob wont be able to handle it.
marc, i don’t think they’re using this sign to point out temples:
that’s what i am talking about all the time. it’s the combination that makes it look like a nazi sign, even if it’s mirrored. and you’ve to agree that the word messerschmidt isn’t japanese too – so the whole theme – even if the swatisca is mirrored – reminds you rather of ww2 than your interpretation.
i am open for everything, but wtf do you think he thought (or what believes were) about when creating the livery? temples, buddhisms and eternity? …
I’ld love to visit Japan for sure, but you already said as it is.