Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Avatar Mountain

Besides eagerly anticipating the relaunch of the Stayfresh blogs (so I don’t feel bad about bombarding the Fatlace homepage with my nonsense), I’ve been meandering around China for the last week or so practicing my native tongue and bonding with distant relatives. The parentals took my sister and I to Zhang Jia Jie for a…


The fellas from GoodNation in Korea cut thru to say hey and show off their line. Friends of T-Level and owners of a dope little shop in Seoul, they are messin with some pretty fresh stuff. Thanks for the goods! And nice meeting you. Get in on the action at Bons, where exciting Bons bonuses…

Tony SFxNY

Tony rolled thru HQ with by far the cleanest bike I’ve seen all summer. Really cool guy, just returned to SF after almost a decade in NY, main difference being the aggressive pace of life in New York. The Merlin you see pictured is a product of his time on the east coast working at…


The EXP1985 Fam bring it back once again. MIXTURE an event highlighting both the Audio+Visual stimuli will be in full effect every 3RD FRIDAY of the month at San Francisco’s Risque Lounge. Come out and partake in the funky expedition as the EXP1985 Squad bring you live video mixing of your favorite 90s Classics +…

A Weekend in the City

Balancing a hectic work schedule while making time for other things in life can be a challenge. In an effort to make each day count I crammed the weekend with as much as possible. Here are some photos from the weekend. The Hollywood Sign. Prepping for the morning hike to top of the sign. Summer…

Star Wars x Adidas Originals Attitude Hi ‘Jabba The Hutt’

The sleazy green crime lord of the galaxy, Jabba the Hutt may not be the most affable character inStar Wars (Though, men everywhere are probably thanking him for holding Princess Leia prisoner and putting her in that golden bikini), but he is indeed an indispensable character to the Star Wars universe. Thus, noting his influence…

San Jose Crew

This Crew from San Jose arrived at HQ exactly at closing time. Couldn’t leave them hangin’ outside, it proceeded to go from quite to crazy in seconds. But it was all in fun and and their extra energy was pretty entertaining. This pic only shows about half the people that overran the shop. HF Fragment…

Fatlace Social Club

Fatlace Social Club winner by Baz.Tunicliffe Notice how the cars are arranged by color! Inventive and unique. Fatlace Social Club winner by EvokedPhotography.  Both the shadows and the piece in the back are dope. Fatlace Social Club | Winners Gallery