A few hours ago we completed phase 1 of the 2003 Nissan Cima (Q45 stateside) and in a few hours we’ll be premiering the car at Wekfest in San Francisco. Thankfully all the parts arrived this week to make it a very interesting week. Just a week ago the car was bone stock and to think what was done in just a week at the Paddock is pretty incredible. There’s still alot to do with the car and will continue to update you guys on the build. We’ll be filming a video this week so stay tuned in.

Here’s some iPhone shots of the car. A proper shoot is coming this week.

These wheels are AME XG-23, first set in the US. They’re 20×9/20×10. Some people asked why we were going with 20’s instead of 22, 23, etc. well I thought why would we go larger? These wheels came off of DJ Murauchi car from Autosalon in order to make it to the states in time. Hopefully he gets a cool set for his Cima!

Exhaust didnt fit with the K-Break kit so we took it off.. 🙂

We’d like to thank Itchy, Nobu & Rishie of AME Wheels, Mr. Yamasaki of GRACE / GFINE / Final Konnexxion, Mr. K-Break, Shin of Air Runner ACC, RJ DeVera of Wraptivo/Meguiars, Andy of La Bay Restoration and Darwin of Sonic MS.

Air Runner, Integrated Air Runner Suspension
AME XG-23 20×9, 20×10
K-Break Cima custom Bodykit by Grace
Matte White & Matte Black Wraptivo

Mark Arcenal
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