It’s friday… SEMA is tuesday. You can be assured that come Tuesday, you will all be able to see our finished product but we have a few pics to show off before the final revelation. We are very excited about this car and the project as a whole and are very pleased with the way it came out.

The box that we’ve been talkin about so much is powdercoated, fitted with a deck, and lined up for installation.

Louie tightens up the final touches to the tool box installation.

It’s in! Minor adjustments follow the main installation to ensure proper function and dependability. It just wouldn’t be a proper car build without some boxer print showin’.

Kelvin throws on the final coat of green stain on the toolbox drawers after a light sanding.

The lip that we put on took this car took it from a cute toy to a beast almost instantaneously. We also, gotta give credit to the color of the vinyl we wrapped it in.

i still  can’t show you guys the full car but don’t worry ‘cuz it still isn’t finished just yet. We have to throw the wheels on, drop it some more, finish another rack, as well as a huge long list of other odd ins and outs. We can’t wait for this thing to be done so we can show it off. See you all Tuesday!

Mark Arcenal
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