A friend and well known individual in the Fitment community Marcus Cooke put together a G35 Sedan Showcase at Venice Beach this morning. I only live a few miles down the road so I drove over early to get some snaps of the clean G’s coming through. The Sedan community is still growing so there was still a load of Coupes that showed up. There was plenty of clean G’s to get a look at, and I know when the sun pops out later on it will only be even better. I was thinking on the way home that with all the car meets starting to take place at this location we could really make this a staple in the car community as one of those well known Car gathering locations. It would be cool to regularly come to Santa Monica/Venice Beach on the weekends and see different car communities gathering. You just can’t beat the location.
…and a couple of old school randoms that rolled by
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nice! i love clean G’s
What up Hook’s? The pics look great. The over cast makes the color pop on all the rides. Venice is too far for a morning show for me. I was so lazy this weekend, I sat on my butt watching the Exorcisim of Emily Rose. Good flic. Air Runner was having an open house today in Anaheim. I think I farted and went back to bed though.
Josh, really appreciate you coming out to the Sedan GTG III and posting coverage. Great seeing you again homie. Overall the event was well attended and a great time. See everyone next year!