Introductions are in order for the newest member of the Hellaflush blog and that person is…

Harrison Wang.

Hello automotive scene of the world! I recently got recruited to blog for Hellaflush and could not be more excited. I will be covering the great state of Texas. I live in Houston and will be doing mostly cars from here. However, I’ll make my way to cities like Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, etc to cover cars where needed!

A little history on myself:
I was born in Los Angeles but moved to Houston at a young age and grew up here. I am currently attending the University of Houston and majoring in Marketing/minoring in Sales. I recently started my own clothing line named All Walks of Life. I drive a 2005 red Toyota Celica. I’ve been modding it for a while until I hit a streak of bad luck which keeps in the garage for the time being.  I am also a member of Team Ikon, a team based here in Houston with a chapter in Dallas and Oklahoma. I appreciate all cars for what they are. I believe that everyone should respect each other as car enthusiasts and spend less time criticizing but instead, more time admiring.

I dislike walks on the beach. I hate rainbows. I… Just kidding. I actually love both those things. But to continue… I am a photographer based in Houston. I’ve been shooting for about 5 years and learning new things everyday. I like to shoot portraits and automotive along with wedding/engagements. I collect vinyl toys. I love basketball. I am a pc gamer.  And this list can probably go on for another 35 pages so I’ll just leave it at that.


Like I said before, I am SUPER excited to be blogging for Hellaflush and showing the world what Texas can offer to the automotive scene. I recently got to attend Wekfest San Francisco and I must say that I was blown away. The quality, variety, execution, and overall everything about the show was amazing. From the cars to the models  to the vendors, everything was on point. I’ve never been to such a crazy show and to experience something of that caliber, I am truly blessed. Here are some of the photos that I took at the event!

Well that is it for now. Sorry for the long post! Stay tuned to see the great coverage that I’ll be doing here in Texas. And to all you Texas followers, email me ( and show me what you got to possibly get a feature!

You can follow me on twitter or find me on instagram(username: bigharrywang). You can see all my work here.


Harrison Wang
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