It was that time again, visiting family, friends and making that trip back to Hong Kong.  A place where my family are from.  It wasn’t until I turned 18 when trips back to HK got more frequent and with each trip, I see more, eat more and experience more and this time was no different.  It really is a city of exploration with hidden gems hidden left right and centre.

When I was younger, I did all the tourist stuff with my camera, map and planned my days in advance like a true holiday maker.  This time, I chilled and played it by ear, didn’t even take a camera, just my iPhone and snapped away at anything I liked and went from there.

What awaits me


Cheeky hidden EK as I was walking past




Met up with Jonathon Wong (@JDMwong) for the first time upon arrival. Nice meeting you dude.











I can’t read chinese, so I when it came to situations like this…I was screwed











Nike Lab Store PS7



































































Johnson Kan