A day of custom painting by some of Hawaii’s best urban artists. Free Event!

Bring something you would like us to paint FOR FREE. Please bear in mind that we can only allot about 15-30 minutes per item.

Featured Artists:
Estria, Katch, Rival, Starfish Guy, Meut TDK and other local artists.

Paint the Vote!, an event is organized by the Abercrombie for Governor campaign but open to everyone. Let’s bring awareness of the upcoming elections to the Hawaii community and help people register to vote.

We will be giving away t-shirts custom painted by the artists. Items you bring should be something you can carry or put on a table. (Good ideas: shoes, shirts, jewelry boxes.  Bad ideas: cars, refrigerators.)
Painting is free! This is a rare opportunity to don’t miss it!
Sunday, July 18, 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Good to Grill, on the patio, 888 Kapahulu Ave. (Safeway Kapahulu Shopping Center)
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