Our last show of the year happened in Okayama, Japan just last week. I have to say, I was really reluctant to host a car show in Japan in December. The weather was the major factor because if you don’t know, December in Japan is very cold. And after arriving on the plane I knew it was! With the wind chill, it was below zero and coming from Hawaii the day before it felt like I was in a freezer!
Anyways, I’ve decided to break up the show in 2 parts since I took quite a few photos really early into the show. We started setup around 430am and these photos were taken around 7am. The event opened its doors at 9 and to my surprise there were so many people that showed up and the positive vibes from the dj to the attendees made the event one to remember. Here’s my first set. Oh and I just redid the blog, hope you like it. Please comment below, hit the like button up top and share this article. Truly appreciate it.
This S14 looked very good. I’m not sure this one is used for drifting but with the cage and how almost everyone that came to the event drifts, I wouldnt be surprised. It had the new Work Seeker 2 Piece wheels.
Very cool to see a bunch of Subarus at the event. I shouldn’t be surprised cause some of the cars that rolled into the show at 5am had a foot of snow on the cars.
This Z4 looked great on TE37s. The combo of German x Japan never ceases to amaze me.
S13 Coupe with sleepy eyes and a body kit I wasnt familiar with. This show/drift car doesnt seem like it hits the track but I’m almost positive it does. They just know how to keep their cars clean by any means necessary!
Very clean S14 with Work D9R wheels. Nothing fancy but a clean drift car in front of us.
The bag trend around the world isn’t hitting japan anytime soon probably cause it hit here years ago. I remember bags were very very popular 3-5 years ago in Japan but now I believe alot are sticking with coilovers or cup kits with their coils for the front. This Honda is on bags though.
Not sure you remembered our show earlier this year at Fuji Speedway but this Lexus was there and turned alot of heads. This one too is on bags.
Something different. This M45 pushing the new Range Rover look.
Parked next to the M45 was this LS with a different style of bumper.
These 2 Honda Odysseys brought back lots of memories from the past. Nice look! If you have one of these in the states, you can get a Version Select bodykit and make it look just like this!
There were so many S15’s at the event I started searching craigslist for one in the states. The lines on this car is so good. I believe this is a Supermade kit on it.
Forgot to take a photo of this Miata cause the owners were in front of the car but check out this engine bay. Smooth as silk!
G37s look awesome with step lip works.
Drifting Team Review showed up in Okayama from neighboring town Hiroshima!
Still love this S14 with Work Equipts!
Anyone into PINK?
How bout WHITE? So much style. I love this crew!
Black S13 Anyone? People need to take some notes cause the last event of the year in Japan killed it.
Even this tiny K-Car looked great.
Different Strokes for Different Folks!
Nice commuter. Jetta on Work Wheels.
No short cuts for these guys. Endless Brakes on the G37.
ISF on Works. Lots of Work Wheels in the show.
Love this S13. Done extremely well and driven to the event like this!
Green Tint. Im gonna do this on my S14.
Very nice engine bay.
Lots of cars showed up. Approximately 325 cars although this place could have easily fit 400 we decided to cut it short.
I went to grab some breakfast for the fellas and spotted this truck and trailer. So good.
This Previa looked awesome with the new panels. I’m sure Ill see this car at TAS or at Auto Messe in Osaka with its new paint job. .
This FD showed up at our event in July and it was nice to see it again at our show. So nice.
The backside of the FD.
This FD drove in like this. Very low with no F*C$ given.
Little Miata that could.
Stealth S15. No Rivets were the trend at this one.
Our event doesn’t discriminate towards car ownes as we see this a culture that everyone should enjoy. For us, first come, first served is always the case and so when we sell out of event spaces its the person that slept misses out on the fun. He could have had the best car for the show but the guy who doesnt have the best car feels stoked to be in the crowd of awesomeness. It motivates him to push even harder for the next show. This S13 is a clean example of almost stock but extremely clean.
Sorry for more S14 photos but I had to!
RPS13 with Odyssey front end. Different!
Even more different from the back!!
I’m not even sure what this car is. Maybe a Versca?
The guys from Illest Japan rolled up in their wagon. Different wheels this time around.
Beautiful S13. Again, no rivets on the over fenders.
Ill end part 1 of my Okayama coverage with these 2 S13s. Lots of drifters came to the event since it doubled with our partners at Formula Drift.
Nice and clean!
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Awesome! But were are all the Skylines?
Weren’t many skylines this time around.
It is Nissan Versa/ Tida (europ)