Thanks to the Meguiar’s and Wraptivo, the Q45 (aka Cima 50 in Japan) is about 60% wrapped and I have to say, this is probably thee best vinyl I’ve ever used in my existence of doing vinyl. It’s super forgiving and works super amazing.

We still need to do quite a bit of work but we’re hoping Air from Air Runner will be done by monday by the fine people at Sonic MS. K-Break bodykit and AME Wheels along with G-Fine touches will be providing the other goods. Also looking to get the tint done by next week. Lots and lots of work to do.. Hopefully it’ll make it.

On a side note, I’ve always wanted to build a VIP car ever since John Liwanag had the first Junction Produce cars stateside soo many years ago. He was definitely one of the first guys that got into it and only til a few years ago did it start getting mad popular. We’ll try to build something to that defines VIP and put our flavor into it.

Mark Arcenal
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