Who says building a time attack car should only see the track? Check out this used and daily abused S2000 submitted in by Alex Bucur.
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Flush and riding dirty! Thats what im talking about! more of this!
hell yeh. run what you brought!
Seen it!!!
Nice to see a car get driven!
you got that right man. I was just thinking how common this stance thing is getting, I mean why spend 2k on coilovers just to drive slow lol
such a great car to drive!!! good to see some street action as well. I miss mine every day
Very cool! looks like too much fun!
Not to be a doosh but drifting is cool on a track…not so much on a public road into oncoming traffic. Kinda reminds me of the time at Tail of the Dragon when a “cool guy” drifter spun out in front of us coming head on into our lane. STUPID !
First off its douch.
Second off, thats exactly what youre being. From the looks of it this road sees about 2 cars an hour and is atleast 2 cars wide in each lane.
Would a “Closed course professional stunt driver.” disclaimer make you feel better, sweetheart?
Third off, it’s douche, with an ‘e’.
that thing needs a hardtop and it would be PERFECT
thank god it gets its ass kicked, i hate show queens
That’s full of dope. Looks like it was getting a lil squirley there. lol
that is wicked!
muy chingon!
I love it.
That diffuser just completes it!
http://www.itzjow3.com Phen Club
Bottom right picture looks super sketch with the brake lights on and no steering angle. Looks like it’s going straight off the road.
The next corner was right. So the car is getting set up. Also the only reason why the brake lights are on is cause of left foot braking to lock the up the Ebrake and slow down a bit
sickk!! are those cf front fenders youre running ?
Yup. 15mm wider front fenders vinyled black.
geeze guys chill out, for all you know he could be parked like that just taking photos to “look” like hes tracking/drifting/losing control. wouldnt be the first time ive seen photos like that.
definitely not.
Fuck yeah highway 9
haha YES
Thats pretty weak Alex. lol. Looks like you initiated much too early. Man i miss bombing runs with that little s2k. Diffuser smashing tarmac. WOOOOT
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