Last Sunday was the first ever stance competition by itsjdmyo, it was a contest on the technique or style of going up and down a drive way with a slammed car. Wasn’t sure what to expect out of this event, but Tony usually throws some cool shindigs so I was excited to see what he had planned. Morning started pretty early for me because I was trying to start up my SC, but the battery would not hold a charge. Sorry Tony. The weather was perfect for a car meet, really nice sky and not too cold.

Team Praxis getting ready to angle over Alex’s car.

 Super slammed EF, he was leaving marks on the ground every where ever he went. He moved constantly too, so it looks like kids were doing chalk drawings in the parking lot.It was cool seeing the slammed cars roll in the masses.  Man of the hour, Mr. Key Chain. Wouldn’t be a itsjdmyo meet if there wasn’t models. Yogi doing work!   Beautiful, I love everything about this RX-7. I’m really starting to dig the meaty tire flush look now a days. Yogi crusin’. The Lowest and Slowest. Hi Linda. I really wish Angelo was in the competition.  He would’ve destroyed his front bumper and had an air bag pop.   Had a Vietnam Vet kick it at the Royal Origin booth telling us the ULTIMATE war stories.

The immense crowd waiting for this hot chick leave. I would have taken pics of the competition, but I was helping Shavi make a video which will be way crazier. Watch out for the video it should be crazy because I almost got hit in one of the clips.
