January 25, 2015

Manila, Philippines

Jeff Ng better known as Jeff Staple held a talk at A Space Manila. The two-hour talk was hosted by Status Magazine and was an instant hit for followers of his craft.  Jeff shared his thoughts on his humble beginnings, his thoughts on streetwear and on what he thinks is in-store for the future. Here’s a quick recap of the event.

Jeff showed photos on how brands develop through social media and how SMM services like socialzinger.com have helped these brands grow online. He also pointed-out the impact of technology on streetwear. The 39-year old designer shared how he started by creating his own flyers. Jeff shared that all questions are answered when he writes his press release. I will summarize that with the 5 W’s; who, what, when, where and why.

His talk ended with a question and answer session with the attendee’s. He pointed out that you have to be hands-on with your brand because 1 error with a person ( garments, shipping, packaging ) will show in your product.

I also took the opportunity to take photos of the events place, A Space which is a work area for design, talks and art galleries.

It had a very laid-back feel into it’s walls.

It had good environment for me to hang out and relax on a Sunday.

Thanks for the inspiring talk Jeff!

I will end this entry with his most striking line that day and I quote “Work for the press release of your dreams.”

Be back in a few days.

Instagram: @kevcarlos 

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Kevin Carlos
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