Photos: Sh0tw3ll

It seems hard to remember when the world wasn’t in a state of constant angst and turmoil. With the entire globe trying to regain a sense of normalcy; the Asian-American community has undergone increased prejudice in the public eye that hasn’t been seen this extensively in the past. The homies at PML and Auto Conduct set up a rally spanning 20 miles across the Los Angeles area in the name of stopping Asian hate. The turnout was incredible featuring multiple seven-figure rides, fully-built imports, and everything in between. Event organizers Rob Wang of Platinum Motorsport, David Lee of Hing Wa Lee, Sean Lee of Purist Group, Ben Baller, Daniel Wu & Sung Kang of Student Drivers and the like all made appearances in the name of unification. The quality was superb.

The proverbial blend of automotive styles also pays homage to the diversity of the ethnic groups that were present and showing support. Since day one Illest and Fatlace have been an Asian operation and as the only caucasian on the team it’s obviously the topic of sympathy versus empathy when it comes to my ability to truly relate. One thing is for sure however; enough is enough. If we truly are the only ones that can free our minds, we must start by freeing our minds of hate.

Enjoy these photos of a weekend that emanates exactly what Quickstrike ’21 and our community are all about. Acceptance.
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