Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Audi RS4 Avant in Paris

Stephen Brooks always has great videos but this 2 minute video makes me want to buy an Avant. Check it out. “Built by a Player, RS SYCO was driven to the French capital for a secret mission with a man only known as ‘The Darkness’. 24 | HOURS | IN | PARIS was shot for…

WFC : Santa Monica 2012

Wrong Fitment Crew and friends got together once again to have fun, and socialize at the traditional Santa Monica meeting spot right off the beach. Over 400 cars came to check it out this time around. I remember in the beginning of these crew meets when there were just about 60 of us. How times…

Paddock to Wekfest 4

The weekend of February 18th was a fun filled adventure in Northern California. Minh, Vinh, and myself had a little vacation by visiting the Fatlace Paddock/RWB, attending Wekfest 4 San Francisco, and of course enjoying the wonderful food as we ventured around. Here is a quick highlight of  our adventure from the Paddock to Wekfest…

Hellaflush Hawaii – April 14th, 2012

For the third year in a row we’re extremely excited to bring you one of our most anticipated events of the year, HELLAFLUSH HAWAII. This is the one that kicks off our show season… Join us on April 14th, 2012… Hellaflush Hawaii, The Original Fitment Society Since 2003 is coming back to the land of…

Images ~ 2011 A Year In Photos ~ July – December

This post is the second half of 2011. I will post highlights from July through December.  I won’t post everything but I invite you to view the archives for a complete look at each month. I’d like to thank everyone for checking out the blog and hope you will continue to do so in 2012.…

pickin up and intro

I kind of wanted to re-intro myself to everyone real quick. My name is Josh Hooks (known as grippymonkey or jhooks on the net). I grew up in the SF Bay and have been living in LA going on 6 years now. I’ve modded over a dozen or more cars in the 11 years I’ve…

Hellaflush Dot Com is once again a standalone site and will be bringing you lots of fitment flavor from cars around the world. Check out the new site, all our upcoming events scheduled for 2012 and all the new bloggers from around the world. If you have a car you want to feature on Hellaflush, hit us…