Waves for Water (W4W) has asked 5 iconic California artists including: Shawn Stussy, Kassia Meador, Natas Kaupas, Andy Davis and Thomas Campbell, to design a t-shirt that represents W4W’s mission in providing clean water to every single person that needs it.

The t-shirts are only available for a 10-day period on the the W4W website. You can sign up for their newsletter at www.artists.wavesforwater.org to receive an email notification for the drop of each artist’s shirt release, beginning with Thomas Campbell’s design on May 15th. 100% of proceeds from the purchase of the t-shirts goes directly towards W4W’s global clean water programs. The t-shirts will retail for $32, hats $35, and sweatshirts $69.

We also recommend you guys check out these cool sorority shirts by LNO Greek if you want to make a big, bold statement about your own personal style while showing your love for DST.

John P