The West Coast Dreamers are comprised of two talented and entertaining basketball players, Michael “Airdogg” Stewart and Haneef “Young Hollywood.” This dynamic duo have worked closely with companies such as Sprite and Nike and have brought their skills to the masses. Best known for their appearances in dunk contests, celebrity camps and NBA Half-time shows.

I recently had the chance to photograph them and got to see their abilities in person. They were a pleasure to work with and definitely exciting to watch.

Currently, they tour the world promoting health and fitness, provide sport training, deliver motivational speeches to youth as part of an anti-bullying campaign all-while delivering an entertaining show filled with dazzling dunks.

If you want to see them in person they will be performing at the dates and locations below:

August 10th- Nike Dunk Contest at LA Live
September 1st- And 1 Summer Remix Dunk Contest at Liacouras Center

Follow them on: Instagram @westcoastdreamers and Twitter @WestCstDreamers

Also check out a few videos online at

John P