Most people have already heard of KickStarter, a global crowd-funding platform based in the U.S. Together creators and backers make projects happen. Project creators set funding goals and deadlines. If people like a project, they can pledge money to make it happen. The company’s stated mission is to help bring creative projects to life.
I have had good experiences with Kickstarter as well as bad experiences, however I choose not to dwell on the bad, and accentuate the good /genius. The people at “Wrap” seem to have come up with a great idea on how to maximize your workspace potential, leaving me with the thought once again, of “why, didn’t I think of that?”
I mean who doesn’t need a dry erase board carved to the dimensions of their desk? Which in turn means never having to search for a post-it, piece of scrap paper, or anything under the ceiling to jot notes down. If your anything like me at some point in the day that notes going to get lost, thrown away, or forgotten about in due time. Having a dry-erase board within reach won’t only add a little organization to my day, but may also boost a little creativity in the meantime.

The WRAP is smudge resistant, low tack which makes it movable, transferable, and user friendly. Which makes it much better then just a run of the mill one time use decal. There are a few different levels to investing in this campaign and I see no reason as to why they should not meet their goals. I look forward to receiving mine in the near future!

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