Intentions vs. resolutions.  On purpose.  So here goes…my 2015 intentions:

Be a voracious reader.
Books-672x372Growing up you’d find me at the bookstore every week.  But times have changed.  The elusive bookstore, e-books, books to movies…and the world of right now.  And because of this, I can’t just sit.  And read.  And lose myself in the words ’til the breakadawn.  But this is the year I get back.  Any suggestions on books to read are welcome.  Please comment below if you have any!


Travel to someplace new.Palawan Underground River2New being the key word.  Palawan, Philippines…I’ll see you soon.

Lounge in the comfiest PJs.
PJsA work in progre$$ all year.

Remember your posture.
Because it’s NEVER a good look.

Take long walks.2015 Goals2It clears the mind.

Always finish what you started.2015 Goal1Though I’m not one to be guilty of this, it’s always a good reminder.

 Cheers to another year of intentions!

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