Let me first preface this entry by saying that hosted-invite only-Hennessy parties are the best. Once you attend one, there’s no turning back. You get to try new drinks, eat good food, and be in the company of tastemakers. The relationship between the beverage and lifestyle industries is not new; but in my opinion, Hennessy produces concepts that consistently raise the bar. Especially after last night.
I hadn’t been to their party since the Kaws bottle release back in 2011. And the one before that was for Hennessy Artistry in 2010. So when I got the call to attend the Cesar Chavez premiere party, I couldn’t pass up. I would attend as press, in a different stage of my writing life, representing a culture that Hennessy interacts with so successfully. And I had a great time.
To make the whole evening cohesive, guests were treated to a Latino themed event. There was a taco bar, a ceviche bar, an horchata/tamarindo/jamaica/frescas bar, and specialty cocktails being served all night. The pairing experience was so good.
And then the music enhanced it all. There was a live performance by Marisol Hernandez and a DJ that had the crowd dancing all night.
Actors like Diego Luna, America Ferrera, Amber Tamblyn, and Michael Pena were also there. Forgive me for being so into the food and drink that I didn’t even bother to snap a picture. But I did get a chance to dialogue with people who saw the premiere. They were moved across the board. Some admitted to crying as they learned of a hero so significant to history.
Now here’s my chance to shout out Alfred (Hennessy) – the guy that called me to attend.
We talked further about Hennessy’s future concepts and what our passion projects has done to both of our lives. Thanks for the invite; can’t wait for the next.
- SEOUL SAUSAGE #2 - 02/09/2015