There werent very many drift cars at TAS this year but here are a few that I captured. Supermade had an awesome S15 rocking 16″ works. Nice job at changing things up from the huge ass wheels you’re used to seeing on their cars.
Not sure who’s car this is but the TM02 AME wheels looked awesome on it.
Dayton style wheels on a drift car. Not sure but its ok.
Bir dəfə anladım ki, sayt Rusiya lisenziyası almaq əvəzinə beynəlxalq lisenziya seçdiyi üçün bloklanıb və mostbet indir 2023 Bu tür sorunlardan kaçınmak için RKN tarafından verilen blokajı aşmak için kullanılır, bu nedenle burada kendi saçma teorilerinizi oluşturmanıza gerek yoktur
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fitment on that S13 is amazing… and the S15 is very orginal looking!
Everything is so wide. Pretty awesome.
I’m guessing those are superfins on the S13. They look pretty dope.
those first few pics are so blurry. tsk tsk. but either way very sweet cars
Just rub your eye
Thats the Teary eye effect u get when u see a really dope car…
*sniff* hahaa jkjk
im pretty sure those “daytons” you speak of is carving heads with some different type of center cap. if those are those are herra rare!
Those are definitely Heads not a wire wheel on that purple metal flaked S13…Id have to say that Super Made Sylvia is the dopest drift style car out of these…keep the TAS coverage coming
you sure those are daytons and not work emitz with some crazy centers?
they aren’t daytons. just some dayton caps on some old wheels.