Big big thanks to Edgar (who is an online customer we got to know) for giving us this amazing tour of Pixar in Emeryville, Ca.  Living in the East Bay and frequenting Emeryville, I always wondered what was past that gate.  Who isn’t a fan of Pixar?  When i found out we were going on a tour there I couldn’t believe it.  This place is awesome and everything you’d imagine it to be.  There were some things we weren’t able to take photos of such as the time machine and nuclear silos but use your imagination 😉

Max and Leslee outside having some fun

Tired of walking?  Just pick up one of these scooters laying around and scoot to where you need to go.

No Cristal here, but you may find some at a few of the bars located at Pixar.

Here is Edgars WRX.  He told us that they used his car to do the audio for the imports in Cars the movie!