February…the month when flowers and hearts rule.
And you best believe they rule me.
Plus it’s my mini me’s birth month.
Still my baby…always my flower and forever my heart.
Bugs that are ladies.Surf no turf Fridays.
Adjective, no.
Verb, yes.
It was a super fantabulous GORGEOUS weekend in the Bay.
Looks like it’s gonna be an early Spring.
First time making these.
And they were delish…if I say so myself.
It was either no wine or no rice.
Guess which I couldn’t live without.
Danish pancakes for breakfast
on old school Corelle platito.

#traderjoesWorking hard AND hardly working.
New MJ hoodies available soon.
#flowers #hearts
Happy DREAM Day!!!
Rest in power Mike DREAM Francisco.
August 15, 1969 – February 17, 2000
THE pho spot.Noodles!
Happy LONG LIFE my darling!She shopped till I dropped ($).

Till the next episode…

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