Last weekend I made the trek down to the OC. The traffic from my area was brutal, but the reward at the end of it was worth it. Because food.
I came down to check out the second and final night of the KTown Night Market at the Angels Stadium. After an overwhelming attendance at their inaugural event in LA last April, the founders of this community effort brought it south for a weekend. The reason for organizing an event of its kind? Just to bring people together by way of food. And when you mix carnival rides, unique vendors, and live entertainment with that, you’ve got yourself a packed house. Which it was.
I started in the food truck area. I became familiar with what was available but at the end of it, I couldn’t say no to my favorite burrito by the White Rabbit Truck.
My goddaughter, Morgan, couldn’t say no to their white chocolate champurrado either. Big shout out to my dudes Mel, Mike and James who continue to do it with their Filipino fusion cuisine. They’re about to open up a new spot in Vegas!
I continued my food truck round and stopped to say hi to Ted and Yong – 2 out of the 3 owners of Seoul Sausage. The Great Food Truck Race winners easily had the longest line there. We caught up on their next location, on my next move, and everything in between.
After all the eating, I passed through the carnival and looped back to see the vendors.
Stussy and UNDFTD were in attendance with a mini sample/warehouse sale.
Rad was there, too. I hadn’t seen Randy in forever. He and I used to compete at these kinds of events when I had my own line. It was good to see him still cultivating.
The main stage. Dancers, DJs, singers, etc, were in rotation throughout the evening.
I ended the night in a whole other food section. Local businesses set up shop with a huge variety to offer. There was fresh squeezed lemonade, ramen burgers, whole fried squid, watermelon otter pops… The list goes. on.
Let me congratulate the staff at KTown Night Market. Y’all did great. Thanks for taking good care of Fatlace and my family; we’re looking forward to the next one in October!
- SEOUL SAUSAGE #2 - 02/09/2015