Time with loved ones makes the holiday season exciting. My whole family was hit by the flu bug, when we were supposed to be on vacation. Flights were cancelled, but at least we still had quality time and we got free “flu vaccines”. Now it’s time to get back to the regular flow of things.
I heard that the best camera is the one you have with you. I always have my phone, so that’s what I usually shoot with. Here are photos from my daily routine.
This was a “no look” shot while waiting for the train.
Tilt shifting the bart maintenance yard.
The FedEx logo is genius and classic.
While crossing the street, decided to take a photo.
The construction and Muni bus were asking for tilt shift! I saw the construction in the morning and shot this during lunch. Lucky the bus was driving by.
Another attempt at eye level tilt shift.
I thought GT5 drifting was super hard, but after getting some drift ready cars and watching Team Nemesis, I started to get it… still can’t connect a whole track but it’s super fun! They have an open track session every Thursday night 10PM PST. If you can drift, join the session, all levels are welcome. I’m the slow drifter in the S13 getting run through by the stampede, haha. My PSN is “studoogie” if you wanna tandem.
Here’s a video with Jeff (Nemesis/Battle Swing) drifting the 2014 Chevy Corvette Stingray. Running a stock setup since you can’t mod the car yet.
He made that look easy.
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