Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

Played Out Show n’ Shine Full Coverage

Last Saturday was the Played Out show, presented by Players and Rotifom, and it was all planned out within just three weeks. There was still a good turnout, probably because they were giving away crazy raffle prizes. Prizes included a full air setup by Air Lift, two sets of Rotiforms, Acu Air gift certificates, Illest…

HELLAFLUSH XIV – Fuji Speedway, Japan – Registration Open

Join us on October 6, 2012 as we host our 2nd event at Fuji Speedway. Last years event was spectacular. We had so many people come to the event and it was sold out! Thank you! 来る10月6日に富士スピードウェイでの2回目の開催となるHELLAFLUSH JAPANを主催します。非常に多くの方々に来て頂いた昨年のイベントは大成功でした。ご来場頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました。 Registration now open!

Lance Sithammalat’s Honda Fit

Yes, this is the same Honda Fit that has graced the pages of this blog and Facebook page before…but now I am able to fully share how awesome this car is.  From OEM+ styled body lines to classic wheel choice, Lance Sithammalat and his dad Katsu could not have put together a cleaner car.  If…

Avila Invitational

Out in central California, along side the coast is the Avila Beach Golf Resort. StanceWorks invited everyone to enjoy a weekend of cars, sand, sun at the Avila Motoring Invitational. Everyone from all over came to enjoy this unique location. Take a quick look at this highlight of the Avila Invitational. FatlaceTV – Avila Invitational…

Announcing Hellaflush XIII – September 22

That’s right Y’all… Hellaflush 13 is set for Sunny Northern California on September 22nd. So get your cars ready for an awesome event. The location will be at Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo, Ca and we’re extremely delighted to bring back our very exclusive WordUp! drift event during the show. We have 30 spots available…