Thanks Houston Astros Tickets for the support

SEMA Show 2012

It was my first time at SEMA Show 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center. It was definitely a wonderful experience to see what the automotive industry has to offer. Here is a look at some of the cars that I was able to capture at the SEMA Show 2012. Enjoy. The…

Tokyo Recap

It takes alot of time and planning to have an event overseas. Thanks to everyone involved this year for our return to Fuji Speedway. I asked our videographer Anton to put together a recap of our latest trip to Japan. Here’s the vid. Song: Gangstarr – Full Clip Film and Edit by Anton Ngata for…

HELLAFLUSH XIV – Fuji Speedway, Japan – Registration Open

Join us on October 6, 2012 as we host our 2nd event at Fuji Speedway. Last years event was spectacular. We had so many people come to the event and it was sold out! Thank you! 来る10月6日に富士スピードウェイでの2回目の開催となるHELLAFLUSH JAPANを主催します。非常に多くの方々に来て頂いた昨年のイベントは大成功でした。ご来場頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました。 Registration now open!

2012 AF IMP Super Carnival: Pt. 1

AF IMP’s Super Carnival event has been an annual gathering for some of the best Euro rides Japan has to offer, hosted by the Japanese European automotive magazine AF IMP. Often when we look to Japan for rides, it’s for their domestic Japanese cars. However, as RWB and the recent rise in Rat/Hot Rod communities…

Hellaflush Kansai, Japan – May 19th, 2012

Here’s the official flyer for Hellaflush Kansai in Japan on May 19th at Central Circuit. We’re very excited about this event and if you’re in town, please come by and say hello. We’re going to have one of the most exciting events.. There’s going to be an RC Car Section, Time Attack & Drifting Demo,…

Random Japan – Transportation

Everytime I visit Japan I see so many random things but I keep forgetting to take photos. This time around I didn’t and I’ve taken quite a few photos that I’m going to have to break it down by subject. This time around, transportation. Blacked out Ferrari on Omotesando. Nice drift vip car leaving Tokyo…